Whooo, what a month! I'm excited to show you all the things I did this month - which is becoming an interesting challenge, the more active baby girl is getting. If you're a work-from-home mom, tell me all your tricks! Succulent Watercolor Workshop
The workshop on July 21st went amazingly! It was such a blast to work with Katie Meek of Meekly Yours and Theresa Delaney of Creative Tribes Workshops. Katie scoped out the venue - Colony Club is such a cool little cafe! We were upstairs in their Ping-Pong Club space, which thankfully the club guys were happy to relinquish to us. I had such a blast doing this workshop, so keep your eyes peeled for the next ones! Let me know what you'd like to learn!
Everyday Sketches
You might remember that throughout June, I and another mother-artist, Lauren Mclaughlin, were sharing pictures back and forth for The Everyday Project. This month we shared sketches! You can check them out at our Everyday Project blog!
July's Commissions I always love sharing the commissions I've had the honor to paint, and these were just as wonderful as all the previous!

This bouquet was a gift for the commissioner's good friend, and the leather wrap around the stem was a special request! I love including sentimental objects into paintings whenever I can.
It was a joy to work on this mini silhouette for a dino-loving little guy! I think it's so fun when you can match your artwork both with someone's personality and their room decor!
New Personal Work
I'm planning to release another collection of watercolor paintings sometime this fall (baby permitting, hah!), but BOY have I been struggling to get all my ideas in order! Have you ever wanted to do something, but your own mind is holding you back? I was fighting with that HARD this month, from doubts like "Who cares, no one will buy it anyway" to just not feeling motivated. Balancing the desire for inspiration with the need to just DO THE WORK is tough!
I had to get some art out of my system though, and I was happy with the result! I took some reference pictures, got out some paper and charcoal, and just went to town. Sometimes you have to turn your mind off and just start.
After getting those onto paper, my brain loosened up for me! I finally stumbled onto some ideas that really resonated, and I'm so excited to bring them to life. Here's a sneak peek at the first one!

This one is going to be all about a Father's love for his baby <3
New Silhouettes in the Store
Last but not least, there are 2 new silhouettes in my etsy shop, just waiting to be personalized and hung up in your home! You can see the Sunflower listing here, and the Roses listing here!