Last time on the blog, I showed you how I DIYed a wedding backdrop - but you need something to hang that backdrop on, right?? If you don't have the budget to invest in a professional backdrop stand, then this tutorial may be just the thing for you! Here's what you'll need: Three 10-foot lengths of PVC pipe - Lowe's or Home Depot 4 elbow joints
2 3-way joints MOST IMPORTANT: if you don't have a handy-man-type at home to cut your PVC pipe for you, make sure they'll do it for you at the store! No sense hauling home PVC pipe that's too big to use. For my project, I wanted a 7-foot tall, 5-foot wide stand, since that's about how big my backdrop was. I got the PVC pipes cut down into these lengths: Two 7-foot lengths
Two 5-foot lengths
Two 2-foot lengths Two 1-foot lengths
Now you're ready to put it together! I didn't want my stand to have ugly pipe feet sticking out under my backdrop, so I designed the stand like this:

Here's a view from the side, so you can see how those bottom joints fit together:

(This is a picture of the smaller version I made, just switching around the pieces!)

As you can see, you can take this apart and put it back together in different ways to make different sizes! I used the same length pieces to make this smaller hanger for working on table runners! PVC pipes are very light and durable, so it's easy-peasy to haul them with you, set up and take down! Pro tip: Do take some weights for the back legs if your backdrop is a bit heavy or you've made your stand very tall.
Used this tutorial to make your own? Shoot me pictures or a link, I'd love to see your project! Tune in next time for Part 4 of the Styled Shoot Saga, where I talk about the shoot this was made for. (Hint: it was awesome.)