I just finished my first 3-day spring craft show (which apparently is not a 'big' show to veterans, but to a terrified first-timer, it seemed huge)!
I was contacted about entering the show only a month beforehand, and it took us a week to decide to go for it. I had 3 short weeks to paint as much as I could (without spending a fortune on canvases)
My living room is my studio right now. Grateful for a husband who lets me turn it into this mess every once in a while!

I made as much stock as I could, without any clear idea of how much I needed. I researched articles on good selling practices, bad booth set-ups, etc, and generally tried not to panic.
Then came Thursday night - load-in day! Time to translate my pencil-sketch booth plan into real life!
We arrived . . . and I realized I am SUCH a newbie. Came in the wrong door, found out I should have ordered side drapes instead of just assuming they would be there, so I had to order those last minute . . .
BUT! When all was said and done, I think it turned out rather nice!
I didn't bring any of my own lighting, so that was a draw-back - especially since the people behind me had bright lights shining on their candles (candles which, though I never got to see them, I could explain their features to you perfectly, since I listened to the sales pitch for three days straight :D) I'm thankful for the friends who let me borrow their grid walls and beautiful carpet, and I'm really glad I decided to bring my little sewing table and tv tray as back-up display surfaces.
Friday I only made 4 sales, but I had some interest in commissions. Saturday went quite well, at least in my limited experience! So well, in fact, that I was almost out of my (best-seller) mini paintings and figured I should make more stock.
So I stayed up late Saturday night and painted tiny mermaids and sundry other sea creatures, and also made more ink finger-paintings.

And then Sunday . . . was disappointing for everyone. Every show is different from year to year, but this one was pretty hard according to the other exhibitors. I sold 2 things on Sunday. Ouch!
So in retrospect;
Over all, a good experience! I'm pretty sure I made my booth money back, and I got my work and name some more exposure, so that's GOOD. But I don't know that I'll do any more craft shows. When one wishes to sell art, perhaps a show specific to art would be ideal?

So my next big adventure? An art show!! We'll be moving to the Bowie, MD area in June, so if anyone can recommend some fall art shows in that area, I would be eternally grateful for the info! <3 Tell me about your craft show experiences in the comments!